Thursday, July 10, 2008

Kaitlin's Gold Medal Turtle

Happy Belated 4th of July!!!
This year we had a great fourth. We went down to my parents house and enjoyed a wonderful barbecue. Kaitlin( and John the biggest kid) enjoyed shooting off our fireworks purchased from the best firework stand around " Crazy Prevo's." Next we went to the Rogersville Independence Day Celebration. Kaitlin was in our church float for the parade. Then she participated in the Turtle Race. Kaitlin had taken care of her turtle for a week. She named her turtle Leslie Turtie Greenster. She also decorated it. She did drills with her turtle each day to make it faster. I guess it worked because she won the turtle race. After that we enjoyed a beautiful display of fireworks.


Heidi said...

I hear that Prevo's place is the best place in the ozarks! Glad you guys had a great holiday. We love and miss you guys, see you on Sunday.


Anonymous said...

You may have a future olympian....turtle racing is supposed to be added soon! I love your blog...thanks for sharing with us.
Vee Ann